Five Life Saving Tips For Dogs!

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dog first aidA first aid kit for a dog could very well save his life. The ideal kit contains many of the same items it would for us. A roll of absorbent cotton and some cotton balls, gauze pads and tape, a bandage, a pair of small scissors with rounded tips, tweezers, instant ice pack, sterile eyewash solution, a clean cotton sock (to cover wounded paws) a small towel or safety blanket and some sterile gloves.

If your dog is injured, approach him calmly and carefully. Don’t assume that he won’t snap or bite you – injured pets often react negatively at first to any attempt to touch them. Talk soothingly and move slowly so he can see that you mean no harm.

Bee stings are common in dogs. If your dog is stung while sniffing around, restrain him and remove the stinger either with tweezers or by scraping it out (moving parallel to the skin surface). Bathing the stung spot with a mix of water and baking soda will ease some of the pain. Swelling can be reduced by applying ice packs.

If your dog is bleeding heavily, slow or stop the flow as soon as possible. Use a clean towel or cloth to apply pressure directly to the wound. Change towels/cloths as needed, but keep pressure on until you reach a vet. If necessary, you can apply thick gauze pads and use tape to secure them while you transport your dog. It is best, however, to keep pressure on the wound and have someone else drive.

Cane Toad toxicities The cane toad secretes a cardio toxin which affects the heart and also causes hallucinations. If your dog has come in contact with a toad simply wash the gums immediately using a rag and running water (do not put the hose directly down the dogs throat) and rub vigorously to get sticky toxin off gums.

Ticks There a number of different sorts, but the major one to watch out for is the paralysis tick. It is essential that you check your dog regularly for ticks especially during the hotter humid summer months.

You can find more dog tips and information at