Debra Durrington - Multi unit franchisee Aussie Pooch Mobile Thornton, Metford, Maitland Areas NSW

"After leaving the Military Service of 20 years, I had had various jobs, none making me happy.
At the age of 57 I decided I needed to be my own boss.

As I have a love for all animals especially dogs I decided Aussie Pooch Mobile was the way to go.
It was the best decision I have ever made, I couldn't be happier working with dogs who think your part of their family and are so happy to see you.

After 5 years I have four trailers and have two lovely ladies working for and with me and I have a great work life balance.
The Aussie Pooch support is amazing from other Franchisees to all our great support staff".

Pete Sutton - Franchise Owner since 2014 Aussie Pooch Mobile Kenmore

"I used to be a customer of Aussie Pooch Mobile and was unhappy with my job at the time.

My local operator encouraged me to come out and trial a day on road and I have never looked back. I love the flexibility of creating my own hours, working outdoors and obviously the dogs.

The support is amazing, you work with like minded people and you always feel like someone is there without contacting you all the time.

I never thought I could have such a fun, rewarding career and would recommend it to anyone".

Todd Herring Aussie Pooch Mobile Albany Creek Qld

"I’ve always had a love of animals and when I saw Aussie Pooch Mobile I knew this was the career for me. I love the freedom of working my own hours, being outside and having the security of a good support team behind me.

I also love working with dogs and building fantastic relationships with my customers.

Best of all, I earn a great income doing something that I love"!

Laura Edmonds-Armitage Aussie Pooch Mobile New Lambton NSW

"I’ve been a franchisee with Aussie Pooch Mobile since 2018 and I love being able to combine my passions of working with animals and being outside, all while earning an income.

Being a parent, the flexibility of running my own business and hours works perfectly.

I’ve met such a range of beautiful people as colleagues and clients. I feel like my family is growing every week".

Julia Thornton Aussie Pooch Mobile Campbelltown SA

"I enjoy the interaction with dogs and developing and being part of a resolution in problem areas. I love establishing relationships with the dogs and their owners that exposes you to many different personalities and individual lifestyles. I love having the flexibility and control over work hours and income. Also the satisfaction one feels when a dog leaves the bath and prances around the yard or house showing off how good they look and feel, I LOVE MY JOB".

Jim Cracknell Aussie Pooch Mobile Mildura VIC

"I didn’t succeed in business before Aussie Pooch, but I followed the plan and the system and it worked. If it worked for me, it will work for anyone.

I now have a successful business and have done for 20 years.

The whole Aussie Pooch experience is the best thing I have ever gotten into and I wish I had done it 10 years sooner".