Dog park etiquette

posted in: Community Involvement, Pet Care | 0

Dogs love a trip to the park! They get to socialize make new friends and it’s playtime galore. But like with any other social event, there are unwritten rules. Follow these helpful suggestions for doggie park etiquette to make your pooch’s time at the park fun.

Know your dog’s temperament. It’s easy to forget that the world doesn’t know your pooch as well as you do. Taking dogs to the park introduces them to a variety of breeds, temperaments, and levels of training. You can’t predict how other dogs will behave, so be sure you consider your dog’s temperament. Is he or she prone to barking at large dogs? Definitely consider the small-dog section of the park. Is he or she intimidated by crowds? Find a time to visit the park when it’s not packed.

Scoop your dog’s poop. Many parks have a pooper scoop and trash cans available, but not all of them. Scope out a park before you go. If resources aren’t provided, be sure to take along supplies to deal with your dog’s doo-doo. Plastic bags—and a small shovel for the squeamish—are a must. If you want to make some human friends while you’re there, pack a few extra baggies; people who forgot will be grateful.

Fix first. Before you head to the park, get your dog spayed or neutered. Male dogs will get along better, and female dogs will be spared a dog-park frenzy from being in heat.

Keep pups at home. Eager as you may be to socialise your puppy, it’s not a good idea to take puppies to the dog park before they have had all of their vaccinations. Check with your Vet for the right time to take your puppy so that they are not at risk.

Take along water but not food. Take along a water bottle and a small dish that you can use to help your  pooch hydrate. Avoid taking food, including treats, into the dog park, as this could provoke a food fight among dogs who don’t like to share.

Insist on good behavior. If you see that your own dog is starting to behave aggressively, remove him or her from the park immediately and seek help from a dog trainer for tips on how to overcome this.

By following these simple rules, you can make trips to the dog park a breeze!

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