Redcliffe Doggy Fun Day

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The Redcliffe Doggy Fun Day was held on the 11th October 2009 at Kroll Gardens Dog Park, Redcliffe to raise funds for a local boy with Autism.

There were a number of competitions including Waggiest Tail, Biggest Doggy Smile and Longest Tongue, but the competition for “Fastest Sit in the West” was definitely the most challenging as most dogs are trained to sit without command when the owner is standing still, so the biggest problem was getting them to stand in the first place to give the command to SIT!

Many local businesses showed their support to the event by providing numerous prizes to be raffled on the day, with over 40 prizes in total! There was also a home-baking stall which many of the dedicated Aussie Pooch customers baked for and proved to be a huge success.

The event raised $1800 and was a lot of fun for all who attended. Watch this space for details on future Doggy Fun Day events!!