Another golden girl franchise success story!

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franchise sucess stories FCA-WA-Women-of-the-Year-Winner-2018

Yet another franchise success story from Australia’s first and most trusted dog wash and care company!

The Franchise Council of Australia (FCA) recognised franchisings’ best in Western Australia earlier this month and one of Aussie Pooch Mobiles’ very own took out the major award!

About the awards

The FCA awards showcased the diverse range of sectors and the abundance of opportunities that franchising provides. It recognised all kinds of franchise success stories in a broad range of sectors.

Aussie Pooch Mobile’s own Emily Slevin, took out the FCA WA’s 2018 Franchise Woman of the Year and this is what she had to say about it:

“I am honoured. It’s a huge pat on the back for me and it’s recognition that I am building a successful business while keeping a balanced lifestyle. I have learnt how to prioritise work/life balance by always making sure my business has been professional, flexible and profitable. I have also learnt to use the community around me to help me grow as a business woman and mother, while also offering help to others around me and pass on this knowledge.”

Franchise success stories awards franchise woman of the year wa

 About our golden girl

Emily’s franchise success started when she purchased her own Aussie Pooch Mobile franchise in 2010. Loving the support she received when the chance to become Western Australia’s Regional Master Franchisee for the brand presented itself, it was an opportunity she couldn’t pass up.

“I didn’t go into franchising with the ambition of becoming a Master Franchisee,” says Emily. “It was a progression of me finding something that I loved and being supported through it all. The personal growth that I’ve had through franchising has been huge. I truly believe that working together as a community we can all grow and empower each other. “

Aussie Pooch Mobile’s string of franchise success awards

Aussie Pooch Mobile dog wash and it’s franchisees are not shy when it comes to awards. With already having a string of awards under their belts in the franchising and business sector, it’s franchisee’s like Emily that really show the ‘we care’ factor of the Aussie Pooch Mobile brand.

Want to join the Aussie Pooch Mobile pack and run a successful business just like Emily?

Aussie Pooch Mobile dog wash is much more than just a business. When you commence with Aussie Pooch Mobile it truly is like becoming part of a big family business. Our string of awards and successful franchisee’s are a testimony to that. If you love dog’s and want to be a part of our franchise family our support manager Mark, would love to talk to you. Contact Mark Welham on 0411 553 796 or


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