Pet friendly garden and eco friendly tips

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pet friendly garden pet careDo you have a pet friendly garden? Dogs love nothing more than to have fun getting dirty in gardens before being groomed back to perfection and below we have outlined some tips to help keep your dog happy and safe this Spring. 

Pest protection

Did you know that there are over 25 pests which are commonly found in Australia’s gardens? Some of these pests include slugs and snails, fleas, ticks, spiders, rats, mice and ants. Make sure your dog is on a regular flea and tick medication as these pests can cause all kinds of grief to your dog’s health and happiness. Your local Aussie Pooch Mobile groomer can help determine which brand of flea and tick medication is best for your pooch and can even supply the medication for you

Furthermore, where you can and for the sake of your dog’s health, you should choose natural and eco-friendly methods to keep pests at bay

Eco-friendly tips for a pet friendly garden

  • Plant plants that are pet safe and effective slug deterrents such as lavender, mint, rosemary.
  • Keep a clean and tidy garden. This helps deter snakes, rodents and other pests that like to hide in shrubbery. 
  • For a pet friendly garden avoid leaving pet food out. Pests are attracted to the smell of pet food and if left out, can be drawn to your garden.
  • Keep your dog well groomed. By keeping your dog’s hair trimmed, it will be easier to identify fleas and ticks. Shorter hair can make it more difficult for them to jump onto your pet when they’re bounding around your garden.
  • A good quality, dog safe, anti-flea shampoo will also benefit your dog. (Your local Aussie Pooch Mobile dog wash groomer can provide a flea wash if needed).

In conclusion…

The garden is the one place that you’ll find it tough getting your dog in from. However, with our Australian gardens hosting potential risks, please ensure you are taking precautions to keep your garden as pet friendly as possible. By teaming this behaviour with regular grooming sessions, you’ll give your dog the best chance of remaining fit, healthy and happy.

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