Natural dog food and pet care advice

posted in: Pet Care | 2

The latest edition of our Aussie Pooch Mobile Pooch Newsletter is now out and is filled with helpful pet care advice; including feeding your furry friend healthy, natural dog food. Keep reading to see what else is inside our latest … Continued

Townsville community spirit is truly pawsome!

National disaster pulls Townsville community together in a truly pawsome way! The Aussie Pooch Mobile groomers in Townsville have all taken out the Community Award at the 2019 Aussie Pooch Mobile conference in Melbourne. This award was designed to recognise … Continued

Pet friendly garden and eco friendly tips

posted in: Pet Care | 0

Do you have a pet friendly garden? Dogs love nothing more than to have fun getting dirty in gardens before being groomed back to perfection and below we have outlined some tips to help keep your dog happy and safe … Continued